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Used Carding machines

Carding machines are machines used in the textile industry to untangle, loosen and clean fiber bundles. They are an important part of the manufacturing process of yarns and fabrics made of natural or synthetic fibers. The carding machine uses cylinders studded with metal teeth or wire tongues to comb and loosen the fibers. The fibers are placed on the machine and pulled through the carding process, aligning the fibers in parallel and forming them into a loose fiber roll. This fiber roll is then spun into yarn in a spinning machine. The use of carding machines allows fibers from different sources and qualities to be blended and cleaned to produce a uniform, high-quality yarn. Carding machines are also used in the production of nonwovens and felt.

Duesberg Bosson
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Duesberg Bosson
Carding machines
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Textile machines